Under Eye Light Filling

What is Under Eye Light Filling?

Under-eye light filler is an aesthetic treatment applied to reduce dark circles, hollows and tired appearance under the eyes. This method is used especially to lighten the depth and shadowing in the under-eye area, brighten this area and achieve a more youthful appearance. Under-eye light filler, which is usually performed using hyaluronic acid-based fillers, is injected thinly under the skin. These fillers help the under-eye area look brighter and more vibrant by reflecting light, and also compensate for volume loss and reduce hollowness.

How to Perform Under-Eye Light Filling?

Under-eye light filler application is a process that requires care and attention. The process usually includes the following steps:

Consultation and Evaluation: The patient’s under-eye area is evaluated, aesthetic goals and expectations are discussed. The specialist determines the appropriate type and amount of filler.

Preparation: The under-eye area is cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic solution. To increase the patient’s comfort and reduce pain, a cream containing local anesthetic can be applied.

Injection of the Filler: The selected filler is carefully injected into the under-eye area via a thin needle or microcannula. The specialist distributes the filler evenly under the skin, making the under-eye area look brighter and fuller.

Final Checks: After the filler is injected, the treated area is gently massaged to ensure that the filler is distributed evenly and a natural result is obtained.

Post-Treatment Care: The patient is given post-procedure care instructions. Generally, there may be slight bruising and swelling after the procedure, but these side effects will subside within a few days.

Before Under Eye Light Filling

There are important points to consider before the under-eye light filling procedure. This preparation phase is important to increase the effectiveness of the procedure and minimize possible side effects:

A Detailed Consultation: A detailed consultation should be held with a specialist aesthetic doctor and clear communication should be provided about expectations and possible results.

Evaluation of Health Status: The doctor should be informed about existing health problems, allergies and medications used.

Stopping Alcohol and Blood Thinners: Alcohol consumption should be avoided before the procedure and blood thinners should be stopped in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation.

Avoiding Make-up and Skin Care Products: On the day of the procedure, the treatment area must be clean and free of make-up.

Obtaining Adequate Information: Adequate information should be obtained about how the procedure will be performed, the healing process and possible side effects.

Who Can Have Under-Eye Light Filling?

Under-eye light filler is suitable for individuals who have aesthetic concerns in the under-eye area for various reasons. People who can have this treatment are:

Those with Under-Eye Dark Circles: Individuals with naturally occurring or aging-related dark circles under the eyes.

People with under-eye hollows: People who have hollows in the under-eye area due to volume loss.

Those who want to reduce their tired appearance: Individuals who think that they look tired or exhausted all the time.

Those Seeking a Young and Vibrant Appearance: Those who want to gain a younger and more dynamic appearance by reducing the signs of aging in the under-eye area.

After Under Eye Light Filling

There are some important points to consider after the under-eye light filling procedure. These instructions are designed to increase the effectiveness of the procedure and minimize possible side effects:

Cold Compress Application: For the first 24-48 hours, you can apply cold compresses to the under-eye area to reduce swelling and bruising.

Avoid Putting Pressure on Your Face: For the first few days after the procedure, avoid activities (including sleeping positions) that may put pressure on the treated area.

Avoid Extreme Heat: Avoid saunas, steam rooms, and extremely hot showers for the first few days.

Use of Sunscreen: To be protected from the possible harmful effects of UV rays, be careful to use sunscreen.

Increase Water Consumption: Adequate hydration is important during the healing process.

Stay in Touch with Your Doctor: In case of any complications (excessive swelling, pain, signs of infection), contact your doctor.

Harms of Under Eye Light Filling

Although under-eye light filler is generally considered a safe procedure, like any aesthetic treatment, it may have some potential harms:

Bruising and Swelling: The most common side effects include bruising and mild swelling under the eyes after the procedure.

Allergic Reactions: Although rare, allergic reactions may occur to the filler.

Risk of Infection: Although it is a low risk, infection may develop in the treatment area.

Displacement of the Filler: The applied filler may shift to an undesirable area.

Asymmetry: Unwanted asymmetry or imbalances may occur after application.

Clogged Blood Vessels: Very rarely, filler can block blood vessels and lead to serious complications.

How Does Light Filling Work?

Light filler, especially when used in the under-eye area, works through hyaluronic acid-based filler that is thinly injected under the skin. This filler compensates for the loss of volume under the skin, supports the skin and reduces hollows and dark circles under the eyes. The name of light filler comes from the effect of this treatment in “brightening” and “brightening” the under-eye area. The filler reflects light, making the under-eye area look brighter and more vibrant. It also helps the skin look smoother and younger. Here are the effects of light fill:

Volume Increase: By filling the volume loss under the eyes, it helps the face gain a younger and more rested appearance.

Reduction of Dark Circles: Corrects the color of the under-eye area and reduces the appearance of dark circles.

Improving Skin Quality: Hyaluronic acid contributes to the skin looking healthier and brighter by increasing the skin’s moisture level.

Improvement of Texture and Contour: Improves the contour of the under-eye area and provides a smoother skin texture.

Under Eye Light Filling

Under-eye light filler is a popular aesthetic treatment preferred to reduce signs of fatigue, fine lines and under-eye dark circles. During this procedure, a specially formulated hyaluronic acid-based filler is injected into the under-eye area using a thin needle or microcannula. Under-eye light filler fills the depths of the under-eye area to provide a natural and rested appearance and helps the skin under the eyes look smoother and brighter. The procedure is generally quick and effective, requiring minimal recovery time. Under-eye light filler positively affects the general expression of the face, giving the person a younger and more vibrant appearance.

Who Should Not Have Under-Eye Light Filling?

Although under-eye light filler appeals to a wide range of users, it may not be suitable for some situations and people. Conditions that make you unsuitable for the procedure include:

Skin Infections: Under-eye light filler is not applied to people with active skin infections or inflammation in the treatment area.

Allergic Reactions: May pose a risk for individuals with known allergies to the components of the fillers.

Bleeding Disorders: The procedure may be risky in individuals with bleeding disorders or using blood thinning medications.

Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women: Since there is not enough information about its safety for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, under-eye light filler is not recommended during these periods.

Autoimmune Diseases: In people with active autoimmune diseases, caution should be exercised regarding the safety and effectiveness of treatment.

Serious Health Problems: The procedure should be carefully evaluated in people with serious health problems such as uncontrolled diabetes and heart diseases.

Under Eye Light Filling Prices 2024

As of 2024, under-eye light filler prices may vary depending on many factors. These factors include factors such as the geographical location where the application will be performed, the quality of the service offered by the clinic, the type and amount of filler used, and the experience of the specialist who will perform the treatment. In general, under eye light filler prices can range from a few hundred to a few thousand liras for a single treatment session. To inquire about exact pricing and treatment plan, it is best to contact clinics offering aesthetic services directly and have a personal consultation. This consultation provides you with more detailed information about the treatment and helps determine the most appropriate treatment option for you.