Golden Needle Turkey

What is Golden Needle Turkey?

The Golden Needle Turkey is a medical facility that most likely focuses on providing acupuncture treatments with golden needle as part of traditional Chinese medicine. The practice of acupuncture, which has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine, involves placing very thin needles into certain anatomical sites on the body in order to influence the flow of qi and has the potential to accelerate the healing process.

Acupuncture needles used in the therapy may be made of gold or coated with gold, and the term “Golden Needle” may indicate such. Gold may have a positive connotation in TCM, meaning vigor and wellness.

The inclusion of “Turkey” in the name apparently denotes the healthcare center’s location, implying that it is situated in Turkey. This would mean that acupuncture is available in Turkey at Golden Needle Turkey.

Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine, and Golden Needle Turkey seems to be a clinic that offers this service, maybe with golden needles.

How to Apply the Golden Needles?

It is imperative that only a licensed medical practitioner or acupuncturist apply golden needles or other acupuncture needles. Acupuncture needle application often entails the following steps:

First, you will have a comprehensive consultation during which the acupuncturist will learn about your health background, present symptoms, and any issues you would want treated with acupuncture.

Next, the acupuncturist will do an evaluation, which could include feeling your pulse and tongue as well as palpating certain parts of your body to locate potential acupuncture sites.

First things first: to make sure the treatment area is clean and free of infection, you may use alcohol or similar antiseptic. A guiding tube may be used by the acupuncturist to ensure precise needle insertion while minimizing pain.

Insertion: The acupuncturist will carefully place sterile needles into designated acupuncture sites on your body. The acupuncture point’s location and the patient’s condition dictate the depth and angle of insertion.

Stimulation: To maximize the therapeutic benefit of acupuncture, the acupuncturist may use light manual manipulation of the placed needles or other stimulation methods like warmth, spinning, or electrical stimulation.
After the needles are completely in place, you’ll likely lay down and rest for 15 to 30 minutes while they stay in place. This is all part of the monitoring process. While you are experiencing these effects, the acupuncturist may want to check in with you at regular intervals to make sure you’re comfortable and to see how the treatment is going.

Careful removal of needles occurs when the allotted treatment period has passed. In most cases, you won’t feel a thing, and if you do, it will be only a little discomfort.

After an acupuncture session, it’s important to follow the acupuncturist’s post-treatment instructions carefully. This may include things like staying hydrated, avoiding exerting yourself too much, and getting another visit if necessary.

Acupuncturists should only treat patients once they have completed extensive training and earned official certification to practice acupuncture. Accidental or unintended consequences could result from trying to insert acupuncture needles without enough education and experience. Finding a qualified acupuncturist is crucial for safe and successful acupuncture therapy, therefore it’s important to do your research before making a decision.

After Golden needle application

It is common for people to feel a wide variety of benefits after an acupuncture treatment, which involves the administration of golden needles. A deep sensation of relaxation is often the first side effect, since acupuncture has a sedative effect. Needles may cause some little pain during insertion, but most people report that it goes away fast, allowing them to relax. The individual’s constitution and the nature of the therapy determine whether they will feel profoundly rested or energised after the session.

Also, many people seek out acupuncture because it helps with their symptoms, such as pain, worry, tension, and more. To help the body assimilate the therapy, it’s best to drink plenty of water and relax after treatment. Maximizing the advantages of acupuncture requires diligently following any prescribed follow-up care or sessions. In general, one may get the most out of their acupuncture treatment if they pay close attention to their body and let the acupuncturist know if they have any worries or observations.


There are a number of benefits to acupuncture that make it a popular and successful treatment option:

Instead of treating specific symptoms, acupuncture takes a more holistic approach by examining the patient’s full body and working to bring harmony and balance to all systems. By getting to the bottom of things, this holistic approach improves people’s health as a whole.

Acupuncture, in contrast to many traditional medical therapies, usually has a far lower risk of adverse effects. When administered by a trained professional, sterile needles greatly decrease the likelihood of infection, and side effects are very uncommon.

Individualized Care: Acupuncture sessions are designed to address specific health issues and requirements of each patient. In order to alleviate symptoms and restore balance, practitioners conduct thorough evaluations of their patients’ conditions and create individualized treatment programs.

The use of acupuncture as a complementary therapy may increase the efficacy and decrease the negative effects of traditional medical therapies. Conditions including mental health issues, cancer care, and chronic pain often include it into their overall treatment strategies.

Musculoskeletal pain, headaches, and neuropathic pain are just a few examples of the many forms of pain that acupuncture has been shown to effectively alleviate. It has the potential to alleviate chronic pain and lessen reliance on painkillers.

By triggering the body’s endorphins, which are responsible for reducing tension, acupuncture helps patients relax and unwind. Mental health may improve as a result of reduced worry, sadness, and sleeplessness.

A lot of individuals say that after getting acupuncture, they feel more energized, alive, and focused. Acupuncture improves general vigor and resilience by regulating the flow of energy throughout the body.

As a result of its effects on immune system modulation, acupuncture may help the body better ward against disease and infections. Getting regular acupuncture sessions will help your immune system work better and improve your health in general.

Acupuncture is a safe, all-natural alternative to pharmaceuticals for the treatment of a wide range of medical issues. People who would like not take pharmaceuticals or use them sparingly may find it quite enticing.

Advantages Over Time: Although certain symptoms may be alleviated immediately with acupuncture, the benefits of the therapy often last longer than just one session. Permanent health benefits are possible with acupuncture since it promotes the body’s own healing processes and corrects imbalances from the inside out.


Although acupuncture has many advantages, it’s important to also think about its possible drawbacks:

The risk of adverse effects with acupuncture is low, but it may happen. Some people experience pain, bruises, or bleeding where the needles were inserted. The likelihood of adverse responses might be heightened when practitioners lack expertise or use incorrect needle placement.

Some medical issues, such bleeding disorders or impaired immune systems, may make acupuncture an inappropriate treatment option. A pregnant woman should also be cautious and check with her doctor before having acupuncture.

Individual Variability: Acupuncture responses might range from mild to severe. A smaller or nonexistent reaction may be seen by some individuals, but others may find substantial improvement in their health and alleviation of symptoms in others.

Time and Money: In order to get the most effects from acupuncture, you usually need to go in for numerous sessions, which may add up quickly. The expense of acupuncture treatments may build up over time, and insurance might not cover them at all, depending on the practitioner and region.

Needle phobia, sometimes called trypanophobia, is a severe aversion to needles that prevents some people from receiving acupuncture treatments. On the other hand, compared to hypodermic needles, the thin acupuncture needles used in therapy are far less scary for many patients.

There may not be enough trained acupuncturists to go around; this is especially true in more remote or underprivileged places. It could be inconvenient or even impossible for some people to find an acupuncturist who is both qualified and experienced.

Although acupuncture has many potential benefits, including the alleviation of pain and stress, the effectiveness of the treatment for certain medical issues is still up for debate. When it comes to issues like infertility, allergies, and gastrointestinal diseases, certain scientific investigations have yielded conflicting conclusions.

Language and cultural obstacles: When patients and doctors have trouble communicating due to language or cultural limitations, therapy may not be as successful as it may be. Patients must be able to open out to their acupuncturist about their issues and treatment choices.

A lot of individuals still think acupuncture is a great supplemental treatment for health and wellness, even with these possible drawbacks. To figure out whether acupuncture is the right choice for your specific situation, it’s important to consider the benefits and drawbacks and talk to a trained medical professional.

What does the Golden needle do?

“Golden needle” is a common way to describe acupuncture needles that are either totally or partially coated with gold. Using golden needles in acupuncture may have some extra advantages or characteristics, but it doesn’t affect the way they work compared to ordinary acupuncture needles.

The practice of acupuncture, which may or may not include the use of golden needles, entails the insertion of tiny, sterile needles into certain anatomical sites. By applying pressure to certain spots, one may encourage the movement of Qi (pronounced “chee”), or life force energy, down channels known as meridians. Restoring balance and health to the body and mind is the goal of acupuncture, which works by harmonizing the flow of Qi.

Some acupuncturists think that the conductivity and biocompatibility of gold—among other qualities—may increase the efficacy of acupuncture therapy, even though there is little empirical data addressing the use of golden needles. Furthermore, the thermal and electrical characteristics of gold may affect the energy flow during acupuncture treatments.

The curative benefits of acupuncture, however, are more dependent on the stimulation of certain acupuncture sites and their exact location than on the needles themselves. It doesn’t matter whether the needles are made of gold, stainless steel, or any other substance; the principles and purposes of acupuncture are the same.

In general, further study is needed to determine the exact therapeutic advantages of using golden needles in acupuncture as opposed to other kinds of needles, even if they may have symbolic or cultural value. There are a number of variables that affect how well an acupuncture treatment works, such as the practitioner’s level of expertise, the patient’s current health status, and the patient’s reaction to the treatment.

What is the golden needle facial?

A specialty facial treatment known as the “golden needle facial” uses acupuncture methods with needles that are coated with gold. The goals of this face treatment are to improve the skin’s health, texture, and tone while also encouraging renewal.

A golden needle facial involves the delicate insertion of extremely thin acupuncture needles, usually plated with gold, into certain locations on the body (including the face and neck) for therapeutic purposes. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) principles guide the selection of these acupuncture sites with the goal of achieving a state of internal energy balance (Qi) and blood circulation.

It is thought that by inserting the golden needles into the skin, one might enhance blood circulation to the face tissues, which in turn promotes the formation of collagen and elastin—two proteins crucial to the firmness and suppleness of the skin—and hence the skin’s natural healing reaction. Some doctors also think that the therapy will be more effective using gold-plated needles because of their conductivity and biocompatibility.

When you have a golden needle facial, you could also get a face massage, a herbal mask, serums, moisturizers, and acupuncture, among other beauty procedures and products. Along with the acupuncture treatment, these extra measures assist moisturize and feed the skin, giving it a renewed and beautiful appearance.

A lot of people seek out the golden needle facial since it can fix a lot of skin problems. It can fix dullness, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, sagging skin, and more. People seeking a more holistic approach to skincare often choose this treatment because of how calming and renewing it is for many.

For the best results, see a licensed acupuncturist or skincare specialist who specializes in face acupuncture treatments before undergoing a golden needle facial. Individual outcomes may differ, and it may be advised to undergo numerous sessions for the best possible skincare treatment.

How often should I do golden needle?

Each patient’s unique health situation and treatment objectives should be carefully considered while deciding on the optimal frequency of golden needle treatments, often known as acupuncture sessions. Your general health, the kind and degree of your symptoms, and how your body reacts to therapy are some of the variables that a trained acupuncturist would consider when creating a unique treatment plan for you.

Acute problems, including abrupt inflammation or discomfort, may initially need more frequent treatments, maybe one or two each week. If you’re dealing with a chronic issue, it could be best to ease into therapy by starting with weekly or biweekly sessions. Sessions may be spaced out to once every two to four weeks when progress is shown. Furthermore, in order to maintain balance and avoid the return of symptoms, it may be necessary to arrange sessions on an as-needed basis for preventive and maintenance therapy. The most important thing is that you and your acupuncturist stay in regular contact so that you may modify your treatment plan based on your specific reaction to therapy. You and your practitioner can figure out how often you should have golden needle treatments so they can help you stay healthy.

Golden needle Turkey cost 2024

Acupuncture sessions, often known as golden needle treatments, at Turkish clinics or hospitals may cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand Turkish Lira. Some of these considerations include the clinic’s location, the acupuncturist’s credentials and expertise, the length of the session, and the inclusion or exclusion of other treatments.