Dr.Cenk Gül

I was born in Eskisehir. I completed my Internal Medicine specialty training, which I started in 2011, at Istanbul Training and Research Hospital. By compiling my knowledge and experience in the fields of internal medicine and metabolism with functional medicine, I gained a perspective that aims to solve approaches by focusing on them. about the source of diseases. In 2017, I successfully completed Medipol University mesotherapy, ozonotherapy, cuptherapy training and certificate programs. I continue my professional life by offering this knowledge and experience to my patients and clients at İlke Medical Center, of which I was the founding partner in 2019, and in my own practice since 2022. I am married and the father of one child.



Alloblast Stem Cell

It is a treatment method in which stem cells obtained from another person or donor are used instead of being taken from the patient's own body...

Chin Augmentation

People with naturally less pronounced jawlines can aim to achieve a clearer and more defined jawline with chin filler. Chin filler balances the ratio ..

Nose Augmentation

It is a surgical procedure performed for the purpose of rhinoplasty. It is a surgical intervention performed to change the shape or size of the nose, ..

Lip Augmentation

Lip filling is an aesthetic procedure performed to increase the volume of the lips, clarify lip contours and correct lip lines. It is usually performe..


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