Neck Lift Treatment with Aptos

What is Face and Neck Lift Treatment with Aptos?

Aptos is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to treat sagging and wrinkles in the face and neck area. This method is especially preferred by people who want to reduce the signs of aging. The Aptos method involves the use of special threads placed under the skin.

In this treatment method, threads placed under the skin pull the skin upwards and help correct sagging and wrinkles. Small spines or hook-like structures in these threads support and stretch the skin by clinging to the tissues under the skin. In this way, the appearance of sagging and wrinkles on the skin is reduced and a younger, firmer appearance is achieved.

The Aptos method may be an ideal option for people who want to solve aesthetic problems in the face and neck area without surgery. However, it is important for people considering this treatment to first meet with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist to determine whether they are suitable.

Who Can Have a Face and Neck Lift with Aptos?

Face and neck lift treatment with Aptos is generally preferred by people who are suitable for the following conditions:

Mild and Moderate Sagging: People who experience mild or moderate sagging in the face and neck area can tighten and rejuvenate their skin with Aptos treatment.

Wrinkles: People who want to reduce wrinkles in the face and neck area can consider eliminating these aesthetic problems with Aptos.

Those who want to increase skin firmness: People who want to increase the firmness of their skin and achieve a younger appearance can consider Aptos treatment.

Those who do not want surgery: People who do not want to take the risk of surgery or cannot afford a long recovery period after surgery can choose minimally invasive surgical methods such as Aptos.

How Long Does Aptos Face and Neck Lift Treatment Last?

Face and neck lift treatment with Aptos may vary depending on factors such as the person’s skin structure, age, lifestyle and the region where the treatment is applied. But in general, the effect of Aptos treatment can last for several years.

Aptos threads are placed in the tissues under the skin, tightening the skin. Thanks to the support these threads provide to the skin, the appearance of sagging and wrinkles on the skin is reduced and a younger appearance is achieved. However, over time, the natural aging process of the skin continues and the effect of the treatment may decrease.

Generally, the effect of face and neck lift treatment with Aptos can last between 1 and 3 years. However, factors such as a person’s lifestyle, skin care routine, and general health may affect how long the treatment lasts. For example, a healthy diet, regular exercise and skin care can increase the effectiveness of the treatment and help achieve long-lasting results.

After Aptos treatment, it is important to see a doctor regularly and repeat the treatment if necessary to prevent the skin from sagging and wrinkles again. A specialist doctor can evaluate the person’s condition and determine how often the treatment should be repeated.

Which Areas Can Aptos Face and Neck Lift Treatment Be Applied to?

Face and neck lift treatment with Aptos can be applied to a variety of areas and is generally effective in the following areas:

Facial Area: Aptos treatment is generally used to correct sagging and wrinkles on the face. It can be applied to various parts of the face such as the eye area, forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, chin and jaw line.

Neck Area: Aptos treatment can also be applied to correct sagging and wrinkles in the neck area. Various techniques can be used to tighten and rejuvenate the neck skin.

Chin and Jawline: Aptos treatment can be effective to correct sagging and looseness in the chin and jawline. The skin in these areas can be tightened and a more defined jaw line can be achieved.

Decollete Area: In some cases, Aptos treatment can be used to correct sagging and wrinkles in the decollete area. The skin in these areas can be tightened and rejuvenated.

How to Perform Face and Neck Lift with Aptos?

Face and neck lift with Aptos is a minimally invasive surgical procedure and may include the following steps:

Examination and Evaluation: Before the procedure, a specialist plastic surgeon or dermatologist performs an examination to evaluate the person’s skin structure and aesthetic goals.

Local Anesthesia Application: The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. Local anesthesia ensures the patient’s comfort by minimizing pain and discomfort during the procedure.

Thread Placement: Special Aptos threads are placed under the skin with a thin needle. These threads are placed under the skin to form a specific pattern or network and tighten the skin.

Skin Tightening: Once the threads are placed on the skin, they are gently stretched to tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. This process gives the skin a younger and firmer appearance.

Post-Procedure Care: After the procedure, a special care routine can be applied for a certain period of time to accelerate the skin’s healing process and minimize unwanted side effects. It is important to follow the care instructions recommended by the specialist doctor.

Face and neck lift procedure with Aptos is usually completed in a short time and the patient can usually return home on the same day. However, a certain recovery period may be required after the procedure, and it is important that the person follows the instructions recommended by the doctor during this process.

How Long Does Aptos Face and Neck Lift Treatment Last?

The effect of face and neck lift treatment with Aptos may vary depending on factors such as the person’s skin structure, age, lifestyle and the region where the treatment is applied. But in general, the effect of Aptos treatment can last for several years.

Aptos treatment allows special threads placed under the skin to support and tighten the skin. Thanks to the support these threads provide to the skin, the appearance of sagging and wrinkles on the skin is reduced and a younger appearance is achieved. However, over time, the natural aging process of the skin continues and the effect of the treatment may decrease.

Generally, the effect of face and neck lift treatment with Aptos can last between 1 and 3 years. However, factors such as a person’s lifestyle, skin care routine, and general health may affect how long the treatment lasts. For example, a healthy diet, regular exercise and skin care can increase the effectiveness of the treatment and help achieve long-lasting results.

After Aptos treatment, it is important to see a doctor regularly and repeat the treatment if necessary to prevent the skin from sagging and wrinkles again. A specialist doctor can evaluate the person’s condition and determine how often the treatment should be repeated.

Is Face and Neck Lift Treatment with Aptos a Reliable Procedure?

Face and neck lift treatment with Aptos is generally a safe and effective procedure when performed by a properly trained and experienced physician. However, as with any medical procedure, Aptos treatment may involve certain risks.

Potential risks of this treatment method may include infection, thread dislocation, irregularities under the skin, sensitivity, swelling, bruising and, in rare cases, allergic reactions. Therefore, prior to Aptos treatment, it is important to conduct a detailed assessment of the person’s health history and potential risks.

An expert plastic surgeon or dermatologist can evaluate the person’s skin structure and aesthetic goals, recommend the most appropriate treatment options and ensure that the treatment is performed safely. Additionally, a certain recovery period may be required after the procedure, and it is important to follow the instructions recommended by the doctor during this process.

What should be taken into consideration after face and neck lift with Aptos?

After the face and neck lift procedure with Aptos, there are some points that need to be taken into consideration in order to accelerate the healing process and prevent unwanted complications with appropriate care and behavior. Here are the things to consider after Aptos treatment:

Rest and Recovery Process: It is important to pay attention to the rest and recovery process after the procedure. Limiting physical activities and getting enough sleep can speed up the healing process.

Following Doctor’s Instructions: It is important to fully comply with the instructions recommended by the doctor after treatment. Taking medications regularly, performing wound care, and following recommended care routines can support the healing process.

Dealing with Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising that may occur after the procedure is normal. Applying a cold compress and keeping your head elevated can help reduce these symptoms.

Watching for Side Effects: If any abnormal condition or severe side effects are observed after the procedure, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Signs of infection, excessive pain or bleeding should be taken seriously.

Sun Protection: Your skin may be sensitive after the procedure. Therefore, it is important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight for sun protection.

Healthy Diet and Hydration: It is important to eat healthy and drink adequate amounts of water to support the healing process. Consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals can accelerate the skin’s healing process.

Doctor’s Check-ups: It is important to regularly do the check-ups recommended by the doctor after the procedure. During these checks, the doctor can monitor the healing process and offer additional treatment or care recommendations when necessary.

Compliance with these points to consider after face and neck lift with Aptos can speed up the healing process and prevent unwanted complications.

What are the Side Effects and Risks of Face and Neck Lift with Aptos?

Although face and neck lift with Aptos is generally a safe and effective method, it may involve some side effects and risks, as with any surgical procedure. Here are the potential side effects and risks of Aptos treatment:

Swelling and Bruising: It is normal to have mild swelling and bruising after the procedure. However, in case of excessive swelling or bruising, a doctor should be consulted.

Infection: As with any surgical procedure, Aptos treatment involves the risk of infection. If signs of infection (redness, fever, pain, etc.) are observed, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Thread Problems: After the procedure, problems such as threads becoming dislodged or irregularities forming under the skin may occur.

Sensitivity and Pain: There may be temporary sensitivity or pain on the skin after the procedure. However, in case of severe pain, a doctor should be consulted.

Asymmetry: Asymmetrical results may occur on the skin after the procedure. Additional treatment may be required to correct this condition.

Allergic Reactions: In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur to the materials used.

What are the Advantages of Face and Neck Lift with Aptos?

Face and neck lift with Aptos is a plastic surgery method that offers various advantages for many people. Here are some advantages of Aptos treatment:

Minimally Invasive Method: Aptos treatment is a non-surgical and minimally invasive method. Therefore, it is less invasive and requires less recovery time than traditional surgical procedures.

Fast Recovery Process: The recovery process after face and neck lift with Aptos is generally fast. Many patients can return to their daily activities in a short time after the procedure.

Natural Appearance: Aptos treatment supports the tissues underneath the skin and tightens it. In this way, a natural appearance is achieved and sagging and wrinkles are corrected only in the desired areas without overdoing it.

Long-Term Results: The effects of Aptos treatment can often last for several years. When administered correctly, the results of the treatment can be long-lasting and may not need to be repeated.

Non-Surgical Rejuvenation: Aptos treatment is an ideal option for people who do not want to take the risk of surgery or cannot afford a long post-operative recovery period. This method can correct sagging and wrinkles in the face and neck area without requiring surgical intervention.

Face and neck lift treatment with Aptos can be an attractive option for many people with these advantages. However, it is important to consult a specialist before treatment and create a treatment plan appropriate to the person’s condition.

Face and Neck Lift Price with Aptos 2024

The price of face and neck lift treatment with Aptos can vary depending on many different factors. Some factors that affect the cost of treatment include:

Treatment Area: The size and complexity of the area where the treatment will be applied is an important factor that determines the price.

Experience of the Doctor: The experience and expertise of the doctor who will perform the treatment is another factor that affects the price. Fees for an experienced and specialist doctor can often be higher.

Materials Used: The quality and quantity of the materials to be used in the treatment are also factors that affect the price. Using higher quality materials often increases cost.

Clinic Location: The location of the clinic where you will receive the treatment is another factor that affects the price. Clinics in larger cities generally charge higher prices.

In general, the price of face and neck lift treatment with Aptos can vary from thousands of liras, and these prices may vary from clinic to clinic and depending on the doctor who will perform the treatment. To get an exact price for treatment, it is important to meet with several different clinics or doctors and get quotes.

What are the reasons for choosing face and neck lift procedures with Aptos?

People who have a face and neck lift with Aptos may have various reasons for choosing them. Here are some reasons why people prefer this treatment:

Non-Surgical Method: Aptos treatment is a method that does not require surgical intervention. It is an ideal option for people who do not want to take the risk of surgery or who do not want to risk a long recovery period after surgery.

Fast Healing Process: The healing process is generally quick after Aptos treatment. Many patients can return to their daily activities in a short time after the procedure.

Natural Appearance: Aptos treatment supports the tissues underneath the skin and tightens it. In this way, a natural appearance is achieved and sagging and wrinkles are corrected only in the desired areas without overdoing it.

Long-Term Results: The effects of Aptos treatment can often last for several years. When administered correctly, the results of the treatment can be long-lasting and may not need to be repeated.

Improving Aesthetic Appearance: Correcting sagging and wrinkles in the face and neck area is an important source of motivation for many people to improve their aesthetic appearance and increase their self-confidence.