What is Smart Fill?

Smart fill is a technology used in digital image processing and graphics editing software designed to automatically fill a user-specified area. This feature, found in applications such as Adobe Photoshop, is also known as “Content-Aware Fill” and is used to remove unwanted objects in images, fill in gaps or complete missing parts in the image.

Smart fill analyzes the content around the selected area and fills the selected area based on this analysis. During this process, the algorithm takes into account texture, color and lighting patterns, ensuring that the filled area is filled in harmony with its surroundings. This is especially useful for restoration work, photo editing and creative projects.

How to apply Smart Fill?

A professional image editing software such as Adobe Photoshop is usually used to apply the Smart Fill feature. The process steps can generally be listed as follows, but the steps may vary slightly in different software:

Open the Software and Load the Image: First, open Adobe Photoshop and load the image you want to work on.

Use the Selection Tool: Use one of the selection tools, such as the Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool, or Magic Wand Tool, to select the area of the image you want to edit. These tools allow you to choose to surround the unwanted object or space to be filled.

Use the Smart Fill Feature: After making a selection, start the smart fill process by selecting the “Content-Aware Fill” option from the Edit menu. At this point, Photoshop will analyze the pixels outside the selected area and fill the selected area compatible with these pixels.

Make Adjustments: Photoshop provides a preview window for smart fill. In this window, you can adjust how the fill will be applied and see what the fill area will look like. If necessary, you can improve the result by changing the filling settings.

Confirm Result: Once you are satisfied with the result, press “OK” to complete the process. Photoshop will fill the selected area and update the image.

Make Edits If Necessary: After the smart fill process, you may need to make some minor corrections. Using tools such as the Clone Stamp Tool or Healing Brush Tool, you can make corrections that will make the filled area blend in better with its surroundings.

Save the End: Once you’re done, save the image in your desired format.

How to Do Smart Filling?

The basic steps of performing Smart Fill are generally similar, but the interface and features offered by each software may differ. Let’s examine the steps of performing Content-Aware Fill using Adobe Photoshop in more detail:

Open Adobe Photoshop and Upload Your Image:

Open Photoshop and use File > Open to open the image you want to work on.

Select the Area Using the Selection Tool:

Use tools such as the Lasso Tool, Quick Selection Tool, or Magic Wand Tool to select the area you want to edit. This helps you determine which area Photoshop should fill.

Use Content-Aware Fill:

After making the selection, select Content-Aware Fill from the Edit menu. This will allow Photoshop to automatically fill the selected area in harmony with the surrounding content.

Configure Content-Aware Fill Settings:

The Content-Aware Fill dialog allows you to control how the selected area is filled. Here you can change the fill settings, for example the opacity of the fill area or the texture harmony. You can also specify which areas Photoshop references for filling.

Review and Apply Preview:

Before applying the process, review the result in the preview screen on the right panel. If the result is not what you expected, you can improve the result by changing the settings. Once you are satisfied, click the OK button to complete the filling process.

Make Edits and Review Results:

If necessary, add finishing touches using tools such as the Clone Stamp Tool or Healing Brush Tool. This step is especially important to ensure that the filled area blends perfectly with its surroundings.

Save Image:

When the process is complete, save your file in the format and location you want with the File > Save As option.

In which areas can Smart Filling be applied?

Content-Aware Fill technology is widely used in digital image editing software and can be applied to different types of regions and scenarios. This technology is especially ideal for situations such as:

Removing Unwanted Objects:

It can be used to remove unwanted objects, people, blemishes, or other elements from photos. This is perfect for clearing out any elements that break up or distract the background.

Filling the Gaps:

It can be used to fill in gaps created by cropping or resizing an image. For example, empty spaces that appear when creating a panoramic photo.

Editing the Background:

It can be used to correct or replace the background. This is useful for making a complex background behind an object more homogeneous or regular.

Repair of Damages and Defects:

It can be used to repair damage such as scratches, stains or tears on old or worn photographs. Smart Fill can fill in missing areas in a natural-looking way.

Expansion of Textures and Patterns:

It can be used to naturally extend the texture or pattern in a specific area of an image to other parts of the image.

Composition Arrangements:

It is used to improve or change the composition of the image, for example, to fill in gaps created when removing an object and moving it to another location.

In order for Smart Fill to be applied successfully, it is important that the content around the selected region provides sufficient information for the filling process. That is, the texture, color and lighting patterns around the area to be filled are critical for the software to fill the selected area in a natural-looking way.

Can Smart Filler Be Applied to Lips?

Smart filling is a method that has recently come to the fore in the world of aesthetics and cosmetics. This method, which is frequently preferred in lip filling applications, is used to make lips look fuller, more defined and attractive. While the smart filler adds volume to the lips through ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, it helps achieve a healthier appearance by moisturizing the lip tissue.

This method aims to provide an aesthetic appearance by strengthening the lip structure within natural limits. Smart filling applications are a process that can be customized according to the needs of the applied area and where the fullness and shape can be controlled. Additionally, this method is considered safe because it uses ingredients that can be absorbed by the body over time. When the application is performed by doctors specialized in plastic surgery, it can give the lips a natural fullness and beauty.

What are the Pros and Cons of Smart Filler?


Natural Appearance: Smart filler provides natural fullness to the lips. Being hyaluronic acid based, it allows the lips to gain an aesthetic volume while preserving their natural appearance.

Customizable Application: The amount and shape of the filler can be customized according to the person’s facial structure and wishes, thus achieving personalized results.

Safety: Because it contains ingredients that can be naturally absorbed by the body over time, the risk of allergic reactions is low.

A Short-Term Procedure: The application is usually completed in as little as 30 minutes and results can be seen immediately.

Temporary Results: The effect of the filler diminishes over time, providing a reversible option if a person is dissatisfied with their appearance.


Cost: Smart filling applications may not be accessible to everyone due to their cost.

Side Effects: Temporary side effects such as bruising and swelling may occur, but these side effects usually disappear within a few days.

Maintenance Requirement: The filler may need to be renewed at regular intervals to maintain its effect.

Risks Related to the Applicator: If the application is performed by non-experts, undesirable results may occur.

When are the effects of smart filler application seen?

The effects of Smart Filling application usually begin to be seen immediately after the procedure. However, there may be slight swelling, redness or bruising in the area where the injection was given. These side effects usually disappear within a few days. The full effect of the filler is seen within 1-2 weeks after the procedure, as these side effects subside and the filler settles completely under the skin. Depending on the type of filler and the area applied, it may take slightly longer for results to be visible.

Situation After Smart Filling Effect Has Passed

The effect of Smart Filling application varies depending on the type of filling material used and the person’s skin structure, lifestyle and metabolic rate. Generally, filling materials are absorbed by the body over time and their effect decreases. This process can vary from 6 months to 2 years. After the effect of the filler wears off, the skin usually returns to its pre-application state. After the effect of the filler wears off, the skin is not expected to be worse than before. However, as the skin continues its aging process, the area where the filler is applied may show signs of natural aging again over time.

Fillers, when applied correctly and using quality materials, are generally safe and undesirable consequences are rare. In order to prevent the skin condition from becoming worse after the filler application, the experience of the specialist who will perform the procedure and post-application care are important. To get the best results and minimize possible side effects, care should be taken in choosing the clinic and practitioner who will perform the procedure.

As a result, Smart Filling application is one of the innovative and effective methods offered by modern aesthetic medicine. After application, it is possible to see the effects immediately and with correct application, a situation worse than before is not expected. However, as with every aesthetic procedure, this procedure has its own risks and side effects. Therefore, it is important to conduct thorough research and consult an experienced specialist before deciding on the procedure.

Differences of Smart Filling from Other Fillings

Adaptability and Customization: Smart Filler can be customized to a person’s skin structure and volume needs. This reduces the risk of an over-treated appearance while giving the treated area a natural fullness and smoothness.

Long-Term Effect: Thanks to its improved formulations, Smart Filler can, in some cases, have longer-lasting effects than other filler types. This is due to the material being absorbed more slowly under the skin and therefore providing volume for a longer period of time.

Natural Results: Smart Filler has a special formula that can adapt to the structure of the skin to achieve more natural-looking results when injected under the skin. This provides aesthetic improvements while preserving the naturalness of facial expression.

Technological Innovation: Smart Filler uses high-tech materials that provide biocompatibility and better integration under the skin. These materials work in harmony with the skin’s own texture, providing a longer-lasting and natural appearance in the treated area.

Smart Filling Prices 2024

Prices of Smart Filling applications may vary in 2024 depending on a number of factors. These factors include the size of the area to be treated, the amount of filler required, the geographical location where the treatment will be performed, the degree of expertise of the clinic or practitioner, and the type of filling material used. In general, the cost of Smart Filling applications may be higher than other standard filling applications because this method uses more advanced materials and offers a more customized treatment.

Prices may vary depending on the country where the treatment is performed and the prestige of the clinic. However, to inquire about the exact amount to be paid for Smart Fill, potential users are advised to contact the clinics they are interested in directly and arrange a preliminary consultation.