Mesotherapy Turkey

What is Mesotherapy Turkey?

Mesotherapy Turkey is a medical treatment method in which certain medications, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are administered under the skin through microinjections. This treatment was developed by French doctor Michel Pistor in the 1950s. Mesotherapy Turkey is widely used, especially in the fields of dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

During the mesotherapy Turkey procedure, small doses of various active substances are injected under the skin through a thin needle or a special syringe. These substances are often used to improve the condition of the skin, treat cosmetic problems such as cellulite or fine lines, or relieve pain.

This treatment method is generally preferred by patients because pain or discomfort is minimal. Additionally, the side effects of generally mild and the recovery period after the procedure may be short.

What Does Mesotherapy Turkey Do?

One of the main goals of mesotherapy Turkey is to improve the condition of the skin. Active ingredients injected under the skin can regulate the skin’s moisture balance, increase collagen production, increase skin tone and elasticity, reduce acne scars and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Additionally, this can also be used to treat cosmetic problems such as cellulite or fine lines. Injectables can reduce the appearance of cellulite by breaking down fat cells or increasing circulation, making the skin surface appear smoother and more even.

Mesotherapy Turkey can also be effective in treating pain. Injected substances can block nerve endings or reduce inflammation to relieve pain. Therefore, it can be used to treat conditions such as migraine, headache, neck and back pain.

In what cases is mesotherapy Turkey performed?

This is frequently used in dermatological treatments to improve skin health and treat skin problems. Many different skin problems such as acne, acne scars, skin blemishes, dry skin, acne and skin aging can be treated.

Additionally, this can also be used for aesthetic purposes. It can be applied to various areas to eliminate cosmetic problems such as cellulite, fine lines, wrinkles and body contouring.

What should be taken into consideration after?

After mesotherapy Turkey application, it is important to take certain precautions and pay attention to some points of caution.

Mild redness, swelling, or tenderness at injection sites is normal, but if these symptoms are excessive or persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.

Skin care should be done carefully after the procedure. Moisturizers or lotions recommended by the practitioner should be used.

It is important to use sunscreen for at least a few days after the procedure, as the skin may be sensitive in the injection areas.

Heavy exercise should be avoided for at least a few days after the procedure. Physical activity can increase swelling in injection areas and slow the healing process.

It is important to drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet after the procedure. This can support the body’s healing process and optimize results.

After the procedure, the instructions given by the doctor must be followed exactly. It is important to take medications regularly or follow any other recommended instructions.

What are the Features?

Mesotherapy Turkey is a medical treatment method in which certain medications, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are administered under the skin through microinjections. This treatment can be used for a variety of dermatological, aesthetic and pain management purposes.

It is a treatment method that acts locally. The injected substances act directly on the treated area.

The dosage and content of substances injected under the skin can be customized according to the individual’s needs and treatment goals.

Injections under the skin are generally mild and the post-procedure recovery process is fast.

Mesotherapy Turkey is considered a non-surgical treatment option and is generally minimally invasive.

It can be used to improve skin health, treat cosmetic problems, relieve pain, and support overall health.

What Should Be Considered After Mesotherapy Turkey Application?

After the mesotherapy Turkey application, there are some important points to consider after the procedure.

Mild redness, swelling or tenderness in the injection areas after the procedure is normal, but if these symptoms are excessive or persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.

Skin care should be done after the procedure. Moisturizers or lotions recommended by the practitioner should be used.

It is important to use sunscreen because the skin may be sensitive in the injection areas.

Strenuous exercise should be avoided because physical activity can increase swelling in the injection areas and slow the healing process.

It is important to drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet. This can support the body’s healing process and optimize results.

The instructions given by the doctor must be followed exactly. It is important to take medications regularly or follow any other recommended instructions.

When does mesotherapy Turkey show its effect?

The effects of mesotherapy Turkey may vary from person to person and depending on the purpose of the treatment. However, side effects such as slight redness, swelling or tenderness in the injection areas are usually noticed immediately. Depending on the goal of the treatment, some people may see immediate results, while for others the effects may become apparent within a few weeks or months. For example, the results of mesotherapy Turkey for skin rejuvenation are usually noticeable within the first few weeks, while for procedures such as fat melting or cellulite reduction, results may appear after several sessions.

What are the side effects of mesotherapy Turkey?

This is generally considered a safe treatment method, but some side effects may occur. Mild redness, swelling or tenderness in the injection areas are common side effects and usually disappear in a short time. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as infection, bruising, spotting, or allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, when mesotherapy Turkey is performed by an experienced healthcare professional and performed under appropriate hygienic conditions, the risk of side effects is minimal.

Mesotherapy Turkey Cost 2024

Mesotherapy Turkey prices may vary depending on the region where the treatment will be performed, the location of the healthcare institution or clinic performing the treatment, the level of expertise, the quality of the materials used and the number of treatment sessions. In 2024, there may be different price ranges for different types of mesotherapy Turkey services.


At what age is mesotherapy Turkey performed?

Mesotherapy Turkey is generally applied to adults and is generally not performed on people under 18 years of age. However, in some special cases, this can be applied to treat skin problems in adolescents. In this case, it is important to conduct a detailed evaluation with the healthcare professional who will perform the application and act according to his recommendations.

How long does mesotherapy Turkey take?

The duration of mesotherapy Turkey sessions generally varies depending on the area to be treated and the purpose of the treatment. Generally, sessions can last between 20 and 60 minutes. However, this time may vary depending on the amount of substances injected, the size of the area treated, and the person’s response to the treatment. To maximize the effects of the treatment and achieve the desired results, a series of sessions is usually recommended. The intervals of sessions are also determined according to the type of treatment and the needs of the person.

When Does Swelling After Mesotherapy Turkey Go?

Swelling after mesotherapy Turkey may generally be in the form of slight redness, swelling or tenderness in the injection area. These symptoms usually subside on their own within a few days and the healing process is rapid. However, the healing process of each individual is different and the duration of swelling may vary depending on the person’s skin structure, the size of the treated area and the mesotherapy Turkey technique applied. Usually, post-treatment swelling and other side effects subside within a few days and the person can return to normal activities. However, if symptoms persist for a long time or become severe, it is important to consult a doctor.

Does mesotherapy Turkey harm the body?

Mesotherapy Turkey is generally considered a safe treatment method and does not harm the body. However, risks may occur when it is done in unsuitable hands or under unhygienic conditions or if the wrong materials are used. In cases of incorrect application, side effects such as infection, bruising, spotting or allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, when mesotherapy Turkey is performed by an experienced healthcare professional and performed under appropriate hygienic conditions, the risk of side effects is minimal. The important thing is that mesotherapy Turkey is performed safely and with appropriate techniques.

How many sessions of mesotherapy Turkey should be done?

The number of mesotherapy Turkey sessions may vary depending on the purpose of the treatment, the applied area and the person’s skin condition. Usually, a series of sessions is recommended to treat a specific skin problem or achieve desired results. For example, for aesthetic purposes such as skin rejuvenation or cellulite reduction, 4 to 6 sessions are usually recommended, and these sessions can be repeated at regular intervals to ensure permanent results. However, since each individual’s skin type and response is different, the number of sessions should be determined on an individual basis. It is important for people considering mesotherapy Turkey to obtain information from their practitioners about the recommended number of sessions.