Nose Augmentation

What is Nose Filler?

Nasal filling is a surgical procedure performed for the purpose of rhinoplasty. This is a surgical intervention performed to change the shape or size of the nose, to correct irregularities on the tip of the nose or the back of the nose, or to eliminate breathing problems. Nasal filling can be performed by injecting fillers to make the person’s nose structure more aesthetic. These fillers are usually made from materials such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite or poly-L-lactic acid. This procedure is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require surgery and usually allows the person to return to normal daily activities immediately. However, when surgical intervention is performed for rhinoplasty, more permanent and significant results can be achieved. Therefore, it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon to determine which method is appropriate.

How is Nose Filling done?

Nasal filling is a popular cosmetic procedure used to improve rhinoplasty or correct irregularities in the structure of the nose. This procedure is usually performed with filler injections, which is a minimally invasive method.

The nose filler procedure includes these steps:

Consultation: Before the procedure, a consultation is held with a plastic surgeon. The person’s wishes and expectations are evaluated, the nose structure is examined and the appropriate treatment plan is determined.

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is usually applied during the procedure. This ensures that the patient does not feel pain or discomfort.

Injection: The selected filler material is injected into the nose skin through a thin needle. The filler is carefully injected into designated areas to change the shape or size of the nose.

Shaping: The plastic surgeon carefully shapes the nose shape after the injection to achieve the desired result. Irregularities on the back of the nose are corrected, and the tip of the nose can be lifted or shaped.

Final Check and Guidance: After the procedure is completed, the new shape and appearance of the nose is examined. The patient is given guidance on post-procedure care and possible side effects.

Recovery: A minimal recovery period is usually required after the nose filler procedure. Swelling, redness, or mild discomfort may be felt for a few days, but this usually subsides soon.

What are the advantages of Nose Filling?

Nasal filling is a cosmetic procedure used to improve nose aesthetics or correct irregularities in the nose structure. This popular process has a number of advantages.

Minimal Invasiveness: Nasal filling is a non-surgical procedure. Therefore, it does not require surgery and allows the person to immediately return to normal daily activities. Since it is less invasive than surgical intervention, it involves fewer risks.

Fast Recovery: The nose filler procedure usually requires a quick recovery period. After the procedure, patients can usually return to their normal daily activities within a few days. Mild side effects, such as swelling or redness, usually subside within a short time.

No Anesthesia Required: During nose filling, only local anesthesia is usually used. This ensures that you do not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Fast Results: Nasal filler procedure results are usually noticeable right away. After the injections are given, a significant improvement in the shape of the nose can be seen. This allows patients to enjoy immediate aesthetic changes.

Less Risk: Due to its non-surgical nature, nose fillers involve fewer risks. Potential problems such as complications or long recovery times due to surgery are less likely to occur.

Temporary or Permanent Options: Fillers used for nose filling usually offer temporary or permanent options. Depending on the person’s preferences and needs, temporary fillers may be preferred for short-term results or permanent fillers for longer-term results.

How long does the effect of Nasal Filler last?

Nasal filler has a varying duration of action depending on the filler used. Generally, the results obtained after the nose filler procedure are temporary and diminish over time. However, the duration of effect may vary depending on the filler used and the person’s metabolism.

Temporary fillers can usually be effective for 6 to 18 months. This period may vary depending on the person’s skin type, age, lifestyle and the characteristics of the applied filler. While the duration of effect may be shorter in some people, it may last longer in others.

Permanent fillers, as the name suggests, provide longer-lasting results. However, the effect of permanent fillers may fade or change over time. Additionally, because permanent fillers can be difficult to reverse, it is important to think carefully before using such fillers.

What are the disadvantages of Nose Filler?

Although nose filler is an attractive nose aesthetic option for many people, it also has some disadvantages:

Temporary Results: Most nose filler procedures use temporary fillers. Therefore, the results obtained may decrease and lose their clarity over time.

Side Effects: Some side effects may occur after the nose filling procedure. These side effects may include swelling, redness, tenderness, bruising, or temporary numbness. In rare cases, serious complications such as infection, allergic reactions or displacement of the filler may also occur.

Unnatural Appearance: Poorly applied or overapplied nose filler can cause an unnatural appearance. This may disrupt the aesthetic balance of the nose and lead to undesirable results.

Risks of Permanent Fillers: Some people may choose to use permanent fillers. However, the use of such fillers may involve long-term risks. For example, permanent fillers may deform or be rejected by the body over time, requiring correction or removal.

Cost: Nasal filler procedures have different costs depending on a person’s preferences and needs. It may be necessary to have sufficient funds for a quality transaction. Additionally, the procedure may need to be repeated, which can increase the cost in the long run.

Undesirable Consequences: As with any cosmetic procedure, the nose filler procedure may lead to undesirable consequences. These results may include conditions such as asymmetry, overcorrection or undercorrection.

What is the recovery process for Nose Filling?

The healing process after a nose filler procedure is usually quick and occurs with minimal discomfort for most people. However, the healing process may vary from person to person and may differ depending on the filler used. In general, we can consider the following steps during the healing process:

Immediate Aftermath: Immediately following the procedure, there may be slight swelling, redness and tenderness around the nose. This condition usually subsides within a few days.

First Few Days: During the first few days of the healing process, slight discomfort may be felt around the nose. During this period, it is possible to reduce swelling and redness by applying cold compresses. Using painkillers recommended by your doctor may also provide relief.

Expected Results: Noticeable results can be achieved immediately after the nose filling procedure. However, it may take several weeks for the injections to take effect and for the swelling to disappear completely. During this process, one should wait and be patient for the filling to take its final shape.

Doctor’s Check-ups: In the post-procedure period, it is important to regularly attend the appointments determined by your doctor. It is important for your doctor to monitor the healing process of your nose and evaluate if there are any problems.

Long-Term Care: Once the healing process is complete, regular skin care is recommended to maintain the new appearance of your nose. It is also important to use sun protection and protect the sensitive area around the nose.

Who cannot have Nose Filling?

Nasal fillers may not be suitable for everyone and are not recommended in some cases. Before having nose fillers, it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon. However, there may be situations in which nasal filling is not recommended:

Pregnancy or Breastfeeding: A nasal filler procedure is generally not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. During this period, hormone levels change and the body may be sensitive. Since there are uncertainties regarding the absorption or effects of fillers, it is better to avoid the procedure in this case.

Active Infections: An active infection, especially in the nose area, may prevent a nasal filler procedure from being performed. It may be more appropriate to wait for the infection to heal and postpone the procedure.

Allergy or Sensitivity: Nasal filling is not recommended for people who are allergic to some of the substances contained in the fillers or who are highly sensitive to these substances. Because of the possibility of allergic reactions or other adverse effects, such individuals should consider alternative treatments.

Chronic Skin Problems: Nasal filling is not recommended for people with chronic skin problems, especially if they have conditions such as skin inflammation, rosacea or acne. Such skin problems can affect the placement of fillers and increase the risk of complications.

Past Surgical Interventions: In people who have previously had rhinoplasty surgery, a nasal filling procedure may not be unnecessary or appropriate. Past surgeries can affect the structure of the nose and have a negative impact on the effectiveness of fillers.

Nose Filling Prices 2024

Nasal filler prices in 2024 vary depending on many factors. These factors include the type of filler used, the experience of the specialist who will perform the treatment, and your geographical location. Additionally, the extent of the treatment and the amount of filler it requires may also affect prices. In general, nose filler prices may vary depending on the clinics where the treatment is performed and regional market conditions. For exact pricing, it is best to contact aesthetic clinics directly and make a personal evaluation.

Side Effects of Nasal Filler

Although nasal filling is a procedure generally considered safe, like any medical treatment, it has potential side effects. These side effects are usually mild and temporary. The most common side effects are:

Bruising and Swelling: Bruising and slight swelling in the treated area are common post-injection side effects. These side effects usually subside on their own within a few days.

Redness: Mild redness may occur in the injection area, but this usually disappears in a short time.

Pain or Discomfort: Mild pain or discomfort may be felt in the treatment area, but this is usually temporary and will heal within a few days.

Asymmetry: An undesirable asymmetry may occur after the application, but this can be minimized with a correct application by an experienced specialist.

Risk of Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of developing infection in the treated area.

Who Should Perform Nose Filling Procedure?

Nasal filling should be performed by healthcare professionals who specialize in aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology, have received special training in this field and have sufficient experience. This can often be plastic surgeons, dermatologists, or other medical doctors trained in aesthetic medicine. It is important that the specialist performing the procedure has extensive knowledge and experience in fillers and injection techniques. Additionally, having an in-depth understanding of facial anatomy and aesthetic facial proportions is critical to achieving natural-looking and pleasing results. When choosing the specialist who will perform the procedure, patients are recommended to review before and after treatment photographs, evaluate the specialist’s training and certifications, and, if possible, seek out comments and recommendations from previous patients.

What Results Cannot Be Achieved with Nose Fillers?

The nose filling procedure has certain limitations and cannot provide some of the results possible with surgical rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty surgery). The results that cannot be achieved with nose fillers are as follows:

Reducing Nose Size: Nasal fillers fill certain areas by increasing the volume of the nose; However, it does not have the capacity to reduce nose size or reduce nose size in general.

Correction of Large Nasal Protrusions: Large bone protrusions or serious nasal curvatures usually give better results with surgical methods rather than correcting with nasal fillers.

Correction of Nostrils and Airway Problems: Nasal fillers are not suitable for correcting functional problems such as changing the shape of the nostrils or resolving airway problems. Such problems are usually addressed with functional rhinoplasty.

Permanent Results: The results of the nose filling procedure are temporary and decrease as the filler is absorbed by the skin over time. Surgical interventions may be more appropriate for patients who want to achieve permanent results.