Lip Augmentation

What is Lip Filling?

Lip filling is an aesthetic procedure performed to increase the volume of the lips, clarify lip contours and correct lip lines. It is usually performed using temporary fillers such as hyaluronic acid. This treatment is preferred to make lips look fuller and more attractive, to compensate for age-related or congenital volume losses, and to improve lip symmetry. Because hyaluronic acid is one of the natural components of the skin, lip fillers are generally considered safe and offer natural-looking results.

How is Lip Filling Done?

The lip filling process is carried out step by step as follows:

Consultation and Evaluation: Before starting treatment, a consultation is held with the patient. At this stage, the patient’s aesthetic goals, lip structure and suitability for filling are evaluated.

Preparation: The treatment area is cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic solution. To increase the patient’s comfort and minimize pain, a cream containing local anesthetic can be applied to the lips or fillers containing anesthetic can be preferred.

Injection of the Filler: The selected filler is carefully injected into the lip tissue through a thin needle or microcannula. The specialist places the filler in appropriate places to increase lip volume, shape contours and correct lip lines.

Final Checks and Massage: After the filler is injected, the specialist gently massages the treated area to ensure that the filler is distributed evenly and obtains the desired shape.

Post-Treatment Care: The patient is given post-treatment care instructions. This is important to manage any mild swelling and bruising that may occur after the procedure.

Why is Permanent Lip Filling Done?

Permanent lip filling is performed to ensure that the lips have a permanently fuller, more defined and aesthetic appearance. These types of fillings are generally performed using materials that offer longer-lasting or permanent results than temporary fillers. Permanent lip filling is preferred for the following reasons:

Permanent Fullness: It is an ideal solution for individuals who want to give permanent volume and fullness to the lips. In this way, regular filling renewal operations are not required.

Aesthetic Appearance: It is performed to make lips look fuller and more attractive, to highlight lip contours and to improve lip lines.

Time and Cost Savings: Permanent lip fillers reduce the need for regular filler replacement and the associated time and costs in the long run.

Lip Symmetry: It is used to correct the natural asymmetry of the lips and obtain a more symmetrical lip structure.

Lip Filling Treatment Methods

Lip filler treatment can be performed using different fillers and techniques. The most common lip filler treatment methods are:

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: The most popular lip filler method is temporary fillers containing hyaluronic acid. These fillers provide natural fullness to the lips and are generally effective for 6 to 12 months.

Collagen Fillers: Less common, this method uses fillers containing collagen to add volume to the lips. The effect of collagen fillers is also temporary.

Permanent Fillers: Permanent lip fillers made using materials such as silicone add long-term or permanent volume to the lips. This method requires careful evaluation because the results are irreversible.

Fat Transfer (Lipofilling): It is a method of injecting the fat taken from the patient’s own body into the lips. This provides more natural fullness and can offer permanent results in some cases.

After Lip Filling

After the lip filling procedure, you can immediately return to your daily life, but there are some points to pay attention to in the first few days after the procedure. After the procedure, there may be slight swelling, redness or rarely bruising on the lips; These usually go away on their own within a few days. The results are immediately noticeable, but it may be necessary for the filler to fully settle and the swelling to subside for final results to appear. Patients are advised to pay attention to the following:

Avoid hot drinks, alcohol consumption and intense exercise for the first 24 hours.

Avoid applying pressure to your lips for the first few days after the procedure.

If there is, you can apply a cold compress to reduce bruising and swelling.

Clean your hands before touching your lips and keep the procedure area clean and hygienic.

What are the Advantages of Needle-Free Lip Filler?

Needle-free lip filling is a method that reduces the risk of pain, bruising and infection caused by needle injections. This method offers an attractive alternative, especially for those with needle phobia. The advantages of needle-free lip filler are:

Less Pain and Discomfort: Needle-free technology makes the lip filler procedure virtually painless, making the treatment a more comfortable experience.

Less Bruising and Swelling: Compared to needle injections, less bruising and swelling is expected after the needle-free lip filler procedure.

Shorter Recovery Time: The needle-free method accelerates the healing process and allows patients to return to their normal activities faster.

More Natural Results: Needle-free lip filler can spread evenly over the lip tissue and provide more natural-looking results.

Reducing the Risk of Infection: The needle-free method reduces the risk of infection because it does not create an open wound on the skin.

Suitable for Those with Needle Phobia: Since no needles are used, treatment offers a less stressful experience for patients with needle phobia.

How Long Does the Effect of Lip Filling Last?

The effect of lip filler varies depending on the type of filler used and the individual’s metabolism. The effect of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, the most commonly used filler, generally lasts from 6 months to 12 months. In some cases, this period may be shorter or longer depending on the individual’s metabolic rate. Factors such as how quickly the lip tissue absorbs the filler, lifestyle factors and the mobility of the lips can affect the permanence of the filler. Individuals who want permanent results can have a filler application again when the effect of the filler begins to decrease.

Is There an Age Limit for Lip Filling?

There is no strict age limit for lip filling, but most aestheticians prefer to perform the procedure on individuals aged 18 and over. This is important for the individual’s facial structure to be fully developed and to be mature enough to make their own aesthetic decisions. Additionally, when deciding on aesthetic procedures, individual maturity and the ability to make an informed decision about the results of the procedure are also taken into account. If lip fillers are to be applied to individuals under the age of 18, this is usually done in case of a medical necessity or serious aesthetic concern and with parental consent. A comprehensive evaluation and counseling process is important for individuals of all age groups before deciding on lip filler. The aesthetic specialist should discuss in detail the individual’s expectations and the potential benefits and risks of the treatment.

Does Lip Filling Cause Pain?

Modern techniques and anesthesia methods used during the lip filling procedure aim to make the procedure as comfortable and painless as possible. Usually, a cream containing local anesthesia is applied before the lip filler procedure or anesthesia is added to the filler. In this way, patients feel minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure. However, since the lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body, some patients may experience a slight stinging or pressure sensation. Mild pain, swelling or bruising may occur after the procedure, but these side effects usually go away on their own within a few days. The technical skill of the treating specialist and the patient’s pain threshold may affect the degree of discomfort felt during and after the procedure.

Lip Filling Prices 2024

Lip filler prices in 2024 vary depending on the type of filler used, the amount of filler required, the experience of the specialist who will perform the treatment, and the geographical location. In addition, the quality of the service provided by the clinic and the market conditions of the region where the procedure will be performed may also affect the prices. In general, lip filler prices can range from a few hundred to a few thousand liras for a single session. For exact pricing, potential patients are encouraged to contact directly the clinics where they are considering treatment and complete a personal evaluation. Most clinics can offer a personalized quote to the patient during a consultation prior to the procedure. This consultation is important to understand the patient’s needs and expectations, provide detailed information about the procedure, and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.