Dermapen Turkey

What is Dermapen Turkey?

Dermapen Turkey is a type of microneedling treatment device used for skin renewal and treatment purposes. It stimulates skin renewal and collagen production by creating small holes on the skin. This method can be effective in treating a variety of skin problems, such as reducing blemishes on the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks, treating acne scars, and improving skin texture. Dermapen Turkey can also be used as a beauty treatment aimed at improving uneven skin tone, tightening pores and improving the overall appearance of the skin.

How to Apply Dermapen Turkey?

Dermapen Turkey application is a procedure usually performed by a dermatologist or esthetician. The following steps are followed during the process:

Skin Cleansing: Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned with a suitable cleanser and the makeup and dirt on the skin is removed.

Local Anesthesia: Before the procedure, a mild local anesthesia cream can be applied to the area to be applied. This makes the procedure more comfortable.

Dermapen Turkey Application: Dermapen Turkey is applied to certain areas on the skin. Microneedles penetrate the skin’s surface at various depths, creating small holes in the skin. These holes encourage the skin to repair itself and increase collagen production.

Application of Serum or Nourishing Products: After the procedure, serums with moisturizing or skin renewal properties can be applied to the skin. This supports the healing process in the skin and makes the results more effective.

Protection and Care: After the procedure, the skin should be protected against the sun by applying sunscreen. Additionally, extreme temperatures and skin irritants should be avoided until the skin heals.

Dermapen application usually comes with side effects such as mild discomfort and redness. The healing process may vary from person to person, but the skin usually returns to normal within a few days.

How to Apply

Dermapen Turkey application is a beauty procedure that uses microneedling technology for skin renewal and treatment purposes. The procedure is performed by controlling and applying microneedles to certain areas on the skin using a the device. These needles create micro-holes in the skin, encouraging skin renewal and collagen production.

This application is usually performed by a dermatologist or esthetician. During the procedure, the skin is cleaned, a suitable anesthetic cream is applied and then applied to certain areas on the skin with the device. This procedure, in which needles are used to penetrate the skin surface at various depths to renew the skin, usually comes with side effects such as mild discomfort and redness.

How Many Sessions Does Dermapen Turkey Give Results?

The effect of Dermapen Turkey application may vary from person to person and generally depends on the severity of the skin problem being treated, skin type and treatment process. However, generally, a series of treatments consisting of several sessions may be required for the results of the treatment to become apparent.

In many cases, slight improvement and some changes in the skin can be noticed even after the first application. However, for more permanent and significant results, a treatment plan of 4 to 6 sessions is typically recommended. These sessions are usually held 4 to 6 weeks apart. The treatment plan may vary depending on the type of skin problem, the skin’s response, and the desired outcome.

After each session, the healing and renewal process of the skin continues. Results usually become more evident over time as the treatment progresses. However, full results usually occur after the completion of the treatment series.

What are the Benefits

This is an effective method used for skin rejuvenation and treatment and has many benefits:

Reducing Wrinkles: By encouraging skin self-repair, This increases collagen production and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin Tightening: Micro needles increase skin elasticity and make the skin look tighter and younger.

Reducing Blemishes: Dermapen Turkey can reduce pigmentation problems and blemishes on the skin, thus helping to achieve a more homogeneous skin tone.

Treatment of Acne Scars: Dermapen Turkey can reduce the appearance of acne scars and scars on the skin and help smooth the skin.

Tightening Pores: Microneedles can reduce the appearance of pores and give the skin a smoother appearance.

Skin Regeneration: Dermapen Turkey encourages the regeneration of damaged or aged cells in the skin, resulting in a younger and healthier skin appearance.

Spot Treatment with Dermapen

Dermapen Turkey is used as an effective method in spot treatment. Micro needles gently sink into the skin, allowing the skin to regenerate and increase collagen production. This process helps reduce blemishes and make the skin tone more uniform. Spot treatment with Dermapen Turkey can target different types of spots, such as sun spots, age spots, melasma or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

This treatment usually requires a series of treatments over several sessions, and results may vary depending on the severity of the blemishes and skin type. However, regular applications can reduce blemishes and make the skin tone more balanced.

What is Dermapen Turkey used for?

Dermapen Turkey is a method used for skin renewal, rejuvenation and treatment of various skin problems. By penetrating the skin with micro needles, it initiates the skin’s self-repair process and increases collagen and elastin production. Functions of the include:

Reducing Wrinkles: This rejuvenates the skin by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin Tightening: Micro needles increase skin elasticity and make the skin look tighter and tighter.

Blemish Treatment: This can reduce sunspots, age spots and other pigmentation problems and make the skin tone more homogeneous.

Treatment of Acne Scars: This can reduce the appearance of acne scars and scars and help smooth the skin.

Tightening Pores: This can reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and help the skin achieve a smoother appearance.

Dermapen Turkey is generally considered a safe and effective treatment method. However, like any skin treatment, it is important to consult a specialist before applying Dermapen Turkey. The specialist will create a treatment plan suitable for the person’s skin type and needs.

What are the advantages of Dermapen Turkey?

Dermapen Turkey has many advantages and this distinguishes it from other skin resurfacing methods. Its main advantages are:

Safe and Effective: This is considered a safe and effective treatment method. It promotes skin regeneration by penetrating micro needles without damaging the skin.

Versatile Use: Dermapen Turkey can be used to treat many skin problems. It can be used for various purposes such as reducing wrinkles, skin tightening, blemish treatment, acne scar treatment and tightening of pores.

Short Recovery Time: This treatment is generally minimally invasive and recovery time can be short. Mild redness and tenderness may occur after treatment, but these usually subside within a few days.

Personalized Treatment: Each individual’s skin type and needs are different. Dermapen Turkey allows the creation of a personalized treatment plan, ensuring that everyone receives the most appropriate treatment for their skin problems.

What Should Be Considered Before Dermapen Turkey?

It is important to pay attention to some important points before Dermapen Turkey application in terms of the effectiveness of the procedure and skin health.

Skin Analysis: Before the application, it is important that your skin type and skin problems are analyzed by an expert skin care specialist. This analysis will help decide how to apply Dermapen Turkey and which areas to treat.

Sun Protection: Before the application, it is important to protect the treatment area from the sun. To avoid the harmful effects of the sun, it is recommended to protect the application area with sunscreen.

Skin Cleansing: It is important that the skin is clean before the application. Make-up and cosmetic product residues should be removed by cleansing the skin. Clean skin can increase the effectiveness of Dermapen Turkey.

Skin Care Products: It is important to take a break from using skin care products a few days before the application. In particular, the use of products containing active ingredients such as AHA, BHA and retinol should be stopped. Such products may increase skin sensitivity and cause irritation during the procedure.

Preparation for Pain and Pain: The application may cause a slight discomfort or slight pain. Therefore, it is important to be prepared for this situation before the procedure.

Expert Consultation: Before the application, it is important to consult with an experienced skin care specialist or dermatologist. The specialist will create a treatment plan suitable for the person’s skin type and needs.

How Should Dermapen Turkey Post-Care Be?

Proper care after the application can support the skin’s healing process and help prevent unwanted side effects. Here are some important tips for Dermapen Turkey aftercare:

Use of Protective Cream: After the application, the skin may show slight redness and sensitivity. Therefore, it is recommended to use a protective cream specially formulated to moisturize and protect the skin.

Sun Protection: It is important to protect the skin from the sun after the application. The sun’s harmful UV rays can affect the skin’s healing process and cause pigmentation problems. Therefore, sunscreen should be used and the sun should be avoided to protect the treatment area from the sun.

Skin Cleansing: After the application, it is important to clean the skin and avoid the use of cosmetic products. Skin cleansing can support the skin’s healing process and reduce the risk of infection.

Monitoring Side Effects: If any side effects or complications occur after the application, a healthcare professional should be consulted immediately. Conditions such as redness, swelling, signs of infection or extreme pain should be taken seriously.

Expert Follow-up: After the application, it is important to be in regular contact with a skin care specialist to closely follow the skin’s healing process. The specialist can evaluate the condition of the skin and offer additional care recommendations when necessary.

What are the Risks of Dermapen Turkey?

Dermapen Turkey application is generally considered safe, but as with any medical procedure, there may be some risks. Here are the potential risks of Dermapen Turkey application:

Redness and Sensitivity: After the application, slight redness, swelling and sensitivity may occur in the treated area. This condition is usually temporary and resolves within a few days.

Risk of Infection: There is a risk of infection after the application, but this risk is minimal. Paying attention to hygienic measures before and after the application and keeping the treatment area clean can reduce the risk of infection.

Temporary Color Changes: Temporary color changes may occur in the treated area after the application. This condition usually resolves within a few weeks, but sometimes it can take longer.

Scars: Rarely, scars or permanent blemishes may occur after the application. This can often be caused by incorrect techniques during application.

Allergic Reactions: Although rare, allergic reactions may occur to the products used in the application. Therefore, it is important to examine the contents of the products to be used and perform allergy tests before application.

Bleeding and Bruising: Slight bleeding and bruising may occur during the application. This condition is usually a natural side effect of the treatment and goes away within a few days.

Before the application, it is important to be informed in detail about the potential risks. The healthcare professional who will perform the application should evaluate the person’s specific situation and create an appropriate treatment plan.

Dermapen Turkey Cost 2024

The price of Dermapen Turkey application may vary depending on many factors. These include factors such as the size of the area to be treated, the experience of the healthcare professional performing the application, the location of the clinic and the quality of the materials used.