Cryotherapy Turkey

What is Cryotherapy Turkey?

Cryotherapy Turkey is a medical method used for treatment purposes by exposing body tissues to low temperatures. The word “cryo” means “cold” in Greek and “therapy” means treatment. Cryotherapy Turkey is used to treat conditions such as pain, inflammation and injury, usually by targeting a local area. In this method, a coolant in liquid nitrogen or gas form is applied to the skin, and the temperature of the skin and underlying tissues is rapidly reduced.

Why is cryotherapy Turkey done?

Cryotherapy Turkey is used to treat a variety of medical conditions. These conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, warts, freezer burns, muscle aches, sports injuries, and inflammation after surgery. This can be used to reduce pain, control inflammation, reduce swelling, promote tissue healing, and eliminate some skin lesions. Additionally, this is sometimes used for cosmetic purposes, particularly for skin rejuvenation and blemish treatment.

How is Cryotherapy Turkey Done?

During the procedure, the cooling agent is applied to the skin or targeted area. This substance rapidly lowers the temperature of the skin and underlying tissues, reducing blood flow in the area to be treated and controlling inflammation. The procedure usually takes a few minutes and does not usually require local anesthesia. After the cryotherapy Turkey procedure, there may be a slight burning or numbness in the treated area, but these side effects usually pass quickly. It does not require a specific recovery period after the procedure and patients can usually return to their daily activities immediately.

In which diseases is cryotherapy Turkey applied?

This is a method used to treat various medical conditions. It is particularly applicable for the following diseases and conditions:

Warts: This is frequently used to treat warts. Low temperatures applied to the wart destroy the wart tissue.

Freezer Burns: This is an effective method for treating freezer burns. Burn tissue is destroyed by freezing.

Sports Injuries: In the treatment of sports injuries, cryotherapy Turkey can be used to reduce pain, control swelling, and speed healing.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis: This can be used to relieve symptoms of joint inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Skin Blemishes and Cosmetic Applications: This can also be used to treat skin blemishes and some cosmetic problems.

What are the advantages

Minimally Invasive: This is generally a minimally invasive procedure, meaning it does not require surgery and can usually be done with local anesthesia.

Quick Applicability: The process is usually completed in a short time and the patient can immediately return to daily activities.

Pain Reduction: This can be effective in treating painful conditions and can reduce pain.

Controlling Inflammation: This can reduce swelling and speed healing by controlling inflammation.

What are the Risks of Cryotherapy Turkey?

Although cryotherapy Turkey is generally safe, there may be some risks:

Skin Burns: When extreme cold is applied, cryotherapy Turkey can cause burns to the skin.

Color Changes: Color changes or pigmentation problems may occur on the skin after the procedure.

Nerve Damage: The process can cause nerve damage, which can cause temporary or permanent numbness or loss of sensation.

Risk of Infection: There may be a risk of infection after the procedure, so hygiene rules should be taken into consideration.

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How to Prepare Before Cryotherapy Turkey Procedure?

Making proper preparations before a cryotherapy Turkey procedure can help the procedure go smoothly and successfully. Preparatory steps before the procedure may include:

Consultation with a Doctor: Before the procedure, it is important to consult the healthcare professional who will perform the procedure. This is important to obtain information about the person’s health status and the suitability of the procedure.

Skin Cleaning: Before the -procedure, it is important to clean the area to be treated. There should be no products such as make-up, lotion or cream on the skin.

Anesthesia Application: In some cases, local anesthesia can be applied to reduce pain during the procedure. It is important to discuss this with your healthcare professional before the procedure.

What should be the care after cryotherapy Turkey?

Taking appropriate care steps after a cryotherapy Turkeyprocedure can speed up the healing process and help prevent unwanted side effects.

Application of Cold Compress: Applying a cold compress to the treated area after the procedure can reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Skin Care: There may be redness or sensitivity on the skin after the procedure. In this case, it is important to care for the skin with moisturizing and soothing products.

Activity Limitation: Avoiding excessive exercise or strenuous activities after the procedure may help the healing process. It is also important to protect the treated area and avoid high temperatures.

Cryotherapy Turkey Cost 2024

Cryotherapy Turykey procedure prices may vary depending on many factors. These factors include the location of the health center or aesthetic clinic performing the procedure, the experience and expertise of the healthcare professional who will perform the procedure, the size of the area to be treated, and the amount of materials used during the procedure. In 2024, cryotherapy Turkey prices will also change depending on these factors.