Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey

What is Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey is a medical treatment method used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. In this method, the appearance of cellulite is tried to be alleviated by applying certain medications, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients under the skin via microinjections. The choice of injectable substances helps improve the appearance of the skin by targeting the formation mechanisms of cellulite.

What Does Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey Do?

The cellulite mesotherapy Turkey helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and smooth the skin in various ways. Some functions of this treatment method are:

Breaking down fat cells: Injected substances can help reduce cellulite formation by breaking down fat cells under the skin.

Increasing circulation: Mesotherapy improves the nutrition of tissues by increasing blood circulation under the skin. This contributes to reducing cellulite and making the skin look healthier.

Skin tightening: The injected ingredients help tighten the skin by increasing its elasticity and improve the appearance of cellulite.

Anti-inflammatory effects: Some substances used in mesotherapy can reduce the appearance of cellulite by reducing inflammation under the skin.

In what cases is cellulite mesotherapy Turkey performed?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey is generally preferred in the following cases:

Reducing the appearance of cellulite: Mesotherapy can help reduce the appearance of cellulite through special substances injected under the skin.

Skin tightening: Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey can help tighten and smooth the skin.

Increasing circulation: Mesotherapy can improve blood flow in the cellulite area and support tissue nutrition by increasing circulation under the skin.

Improving skin quality: Mesotherapy can improve the overall quality of the skin by increasing the production of collagen and elastin under the skin.

To which areas is Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey applied?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey is generally applied to the areas where cellulite is most prominent. These regions typically include:


Legs (especially thighs and hamstrings)

Your wife

upper arm

Mesotherapy applied to these areas can help reduce the appearance of cellulite and smooth the skin.

What are the Benefits of Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey offers several benefits:

Reducing the appearance of cellulite

Tightening and smoothing of the skin

Increasing circulation and improving nutrition of tissues

Improvement and rejuvenation of skin quality

Achieving an aesthetic appearance and reducing skin roughness

What should be taken into consideration after Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

Some points to consider after cellulite mesotherapy Turkey application are:

Mild redness, swelling, or tenderness at injection sites is normal, but if these symptoms are excessive or persist for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.

Skin care should be done after the procedure. Moisturizers or lotions recommended by the practitioner should be used.

It is important to use sunscreen because the skin may be sensitive in the injection areas.

Strenuous exercise should be avoided because physical activity can increase swelling in the injection areas and slow the healing process.

It is important to drink plenty of water and maintain a healthy diet. This can support the body’s healing process and optimize results.

The instructions given by the doctor must be followed exactly. It is important to take medications regularly or follow any other recommended instructions.

What are the Features of Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey is a medical treatment method in which certain medications, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are administered under the skin by microinjections. Some features of this treatment method are:

It is a treatment method that acts locally. The injected substances act directly on the area where cellulite occurs.

Mesotherapy can be used for purposes such as reducing the appearance of cellulite, tightening the skin and increasing circulation.

Injections under the skin are generally mild and the post-procedure recovery process is fast.

Mesotherapy is considered a non-surgical treatment option and is generally minimally invasive.

When Does Swelling Go Away After Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

Swelling after cellulite mesotherapy Turkey may generally be in the form of mild redness, swelling or tenderness in the injection areas. These symptoms usually subside on their own within a few days and the healing process is rapid. However, the healing process of each individual is different and the duration of swelling may vary depending on the person’s skin structure, the size of the treated area and the mesotherapy technique applied. Usually, post-treatment swelling and other side effects subside within a few days and the person can return to normal activities. However, if symptoms persist for a long time or become severe, it is important to consult a doctor.

Who cannot undergo Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey should not be applied in some cases or to certain people. Mesotherapy is not recommended, especially in the following cases:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Mesotherapy is not recommended for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding because there may be a risk of the injected substances passing into the baby or breast milk.

Skin infections: Mesotherapy is not recommended for people with skin infections because there is a risk of the infection spreading.

Bleeding disorders: Mesotherapy may be unsafe for people with bleeding disorders because injections may increase the risk of bleeding.

Allergic reactions: Mesotherapy may be unsafe for people who have previously had allergic reactions to injected substances or their ingredients.

Chronic diseases: Mesotherapy is not recommended for people with some chronic diseases. These diseases may include conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases and skin diseases.

Does Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey harm the body?

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey is generally considered a safe treatment method and does not harm the body. However, risks may occur when it is done in unsuitable hands or under unhygienic conditions or if the wrong materials are used. In cases of incorrect application, side effects such as infection, bruising, spotting or allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, when mesotherapy is performed by an experienced healthcare professional and performed under appropriate hygienic conditions, the risk of side effects is minimal. The important thing is that mesotherapy is performed safely and with appropriate techniques.

How many sessions should be done for Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey?

The number of cellulite mesotherapy Turkey sessions may vary depending on the severity of cellulite, the purpose of the treatment and the person’s skin response. Usually, a series of sessions is recommended to treat a specific skin problem or achieve desired results. The frequency and number of sessions may vary depending on the size of the treated area, the severity of cellulite and the person’s skin structure. It is important for people considering mesotherapy to obtain detailed information from their practitioners about the number and frequency of sessions.

Can Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey be performed on pregnant women?

Generally, cellulite mesotherapy Turkey is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because hormone changes occur in the body during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of substances that can pass into the baby or breast milk should be avoided. Since there is not enough information about the potential effects of the substances injected during mesotherapy, it is generally unsafe to perform mesotherapy on women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are advised to avoid invasive cosmetic procedures such as mesotherapy.

Cellulite Mesotherapy Turkey Cost 2024

Cellulite mesotherapy Turkey prices may change in 2024 depending on various factors. These may include factors such as the size of the area to be treated, the number of sessions needed for treatment, the experience of the healthcare professional who will perform the treatment, and the location. Additionally, the quality of the materials used and the reputation of the clinic or health center can also affect prices. Generally, the price of a session for cellulite mesotherapy Turkey starts from hundreds of liras, and prices increase as the areas to be treated and the number of sessions increase. If mesotherapy is being considered, it is important to contact health centers or clinics to get detailed information about prices.