Cheek Augmentation

What is Cheek Filler?

Cheek filler is an aesthetic application performed to improve facial contour, increase the volume of the cheeks and rejuvenate the general appearance of the face. This procedure is usually performed on people who want to restore facial volume lost with the aging process, emphasize the area under the cheek bones, and have more defined cheeks. Biocompatible and biodegradable fillers such as hyaluronic acid are mostly used for cheek fillers. These fillers are injected under the skin, providing natural fullness to the cheeks and making facial lines more prominent.

How is Cheek Filling Done?

The cheek filler process usually includes the following steps:

Consultancy and Evaluation: Before the application, the aesthetic doctor evaluates the patient’s facial structure and determines the appropriate type and amount of filler, taking into account the person’s aesthetic goals.

Skin Cleaning and Anesthesia: The area to be treated is cleaned with antiseptic solutions. To increase patient comfort, a cream or injection containing local anesthetic may be applied.

Filler Injection: The selected filler material is carefully injected under the skin through a special needle or cannula. Filler is applied to specific points to add volume to the cheeks and provide the desired contour.

Final Checks and Massage: After the filler is injected, the doctor gently massages the treated area to ensure that the filler is distributed evenly. This is important to achieve the most natural look.

Aftercare: A short rest period may be recommended after the procedure. Patients are informed about the things they should pay attention to in the post-procedure period.

Who Can Get Cheek Fillers?

Cheek filler can be an ideal aesthetic solution for the following situations:

People Who Want to Increase Facial Volume: People who do not have sufficient volume in their face due to aging or congenital structural features.

Those who want to highlight their facial contours: People who want their cheek bones to appear more prominent and emphasized.

Those who want to reduce the signs of aging: Those who want to compensate for the volume loss in the face that occurs with aging and achieve a younger appearance.

Those who want to have a symmetrical facial structure: People who want to increase the symmetry of the face and provide a more balanced appearance.

Why is Cheek Filling Done?

Cheek filler is a cosmetic procedure applied to increase the volume of certain areas of the face and create a youthful effect. Generally, volume loss may occur in the cheeks with the aging process. This may lead to aesthetic problems such as facial depression and sagging. Cheek filler is used to compensate for this volume loss. Fillers are usually made from natural ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and are injected into the skin. With this procedure, the volume in the cheeks is re-created, facial lines become clear and a feeling of youth is given.

Cheek filler can also be used to restore natural symmetry and balance. Some people may have asymmetry in their faces due to birth or accident. Cheek filler can correct facial contours and achieve a more symmetrical appearance in such cases.

Finally, some people may want to have a fuller and more youthful appearance on their face by having cheek fillers. This procedure can increase a person’s self-confidence and make them feel younger.

Since cheek filling is a procedure performed for aesthetic reasons, it depends on the person’s preference. However, it is important for people considering this procedure to carefully consult with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

In Which Situations Is Cheek Filling Preferred?

Cheek filler can be preferred in various situations and generally depends on the person’s aesthetic expectations. Here are some situations where cheek filler is preferred:

Signs of aging: Volume loss may occur in the cheeks with the aging process. This may cause symptoms such as facial depression and sagging. Cheek filler can be preferred to compensate for this volume loss and create a youthful effect.

Asymmetry correction: Some people may have asymmetry in their faces due to birth or accident. Cheek filler can be preferred to balance facial lines and achieve a more symmetrical appearance.

Desire for fullness: Some people may want to gain a fuller and younger appearance to their face. Cheek filler can meet this desire by clarifying facial lines and giving a feeling of youth.

Aesthetic improvements: Cheek fillers may be preferred to improve the aesthetic appearance in certain areas of the person’s face. For example, cheek fillers can be applied to define the jaw line or make the cheekbones more prominent.

Cheek filler can be preferred in different situations depending on the person’s own aesthetic goals and needs. However, it is important to make a careful evaluation and consult a specialist doctor before any cosmetic procedure.

What Should Be Considered Before Cheek Filling?

Cheek filler is a cosmetic procedure used to increase the volume of certain areas of a person’s face and make aesthetic improvements. However, there are some important points to consider before this process. Here are the things to consider before cheek filler:

Selection of a specialist doctor: Cheek filling should be performed by a specialist plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Your doctor’s experience, training and expertise are important for success and safety in this procedure. Before the procedure, you should have a detailed conversation with your doctor and share your expectations and any concerns about the procedure.

Allergy and sensitivity tests: It is important to perform skin tests to determine whether you are allergic to the fillers to be used for cheek filling. Additionally, preliminary tests may be performed to check if your skin has any sensitivity to the fillers.

Detailed evaluation: A detailed evaluation should be made by your doctor before cheek filler. An appropriate treatment plan should be created taking into account the anatomical structure of your face and your aesthetic goals.

Instructions before the procedure: You should carefully follow the instructions given by your doctor before the cheek filler procedure. You may need to avoid certain substances, such as alcohol and blood thinning medications, especially before the procedure.

Evaluating the results: Before the cheek filler procedure, you should discuss the results you expect and possible risks with your doctor. It is important that you have information about the appearance you will get after the procedure and the healing process.

Healing Process After Cheek Filling

The healing process after the cheek filler procedure is very important and should be managed carefully to achieve successful results with the right care. Here’s what you need to know about the recovery process after cheek filler:

Slight swelling and bruising are normal: Slight swelling, redness and bruising may occur after the cheek filling procedure. This condition is usually temporary and subsides on its own within a few days. Cold compresses or special creams can relieve these symptoms.

Avoid scratching and touching: There may be slight sensitivity on your cheeks after the procedure. It is important to ensure that the filler stays in place by avoiding scratching, rubbing or squeezing. In this way, you can speed up the healing process and prevent undesirable consequences.

Make-up and sun protection: You can apply make-up as recommended by your doctor after the procedure, but you should choose light products that will not irritate your skin. You can also prevent the filler from discoloring or melting by using sunscreen.

Consult your doctor: If you encounter any problems or have concerns during the recovery process, you should contact your doctor immediately. Your specialist will give you the necessary advice and help you solve problems to provide you with the right care.

Attend follow-up appointments: You should regularly attend the follow-up appointments determined by your doctor after the procedure. These appointments are important to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure and your recovery process. It is important to carefully follow your doctor’s recommendations to prevent undesirable consequences.

The healing process after the cheek filler procedure may vary from person to person, but by following the steps above, you can experience a faster and smoother recovery process.

How Many Times Can Cheek Filling Be Repeated?

Cheek filler is a commonly used procedure to compensate for facial volume loss and make aesthetic improvements. However, the permanence of fillers is limited and they are absorbed over time and lose their effectiveness. Therefore, the answer to the question of how many times the cheek filler procedure can be repeated depends on several factors:

Filler: The type of filler used determines how long it is effective. Some fillers are effective for 6-12 months, while others may remain effective for 1-2 years or longer. The permanence of the filler determines the interval of the procedure to be repeated.

A person’s metabolism: A person’s metabolism can affect how quickly the filler is absorbed. In people with a fast metabolism, the filler is absorbed more quickly and its effect decreases in a short time.

How Many Months Does Cheek Filling Last?

Cheek filler is a cosmetic procedure used to compensate for facial volume loss and make aesthetic improvements. However, the permanence of the filler depends on many factors and may vary from person to person. In general, the effect achieved as a result of the cheek filler procedure can last between 6 and 24 months, depending on the filler used and the person’s metabolism.

Among the factors affecting permanence, the type of filler used is important. Some fillers may be effective for a shorter period of time, while others may remain effective for a longer period of time. For example, hyaluronic acid-based fillers are generally effective for 6-12 months, while permanent fillers can provide longer-lasting results.

A person’s metabolism may also affect how quickly the filler is absorbed. In people with a fast metabolism, the filler is absorbed more quickly and its effect decreases in a short time, while in people with a slow metabolism, the effect may last longer.

As a result, the duration of the effect obtained from cheek filling varies depending on personal characteristics and the filler used. As a result of a detailed evaluation with a specialist doctor, the most appropriate filler material and repeat plan should be determined.

When Does Cheek Filling Apply?

After the cheek filler procedure, it may take a few days to a few weeks for the filler to fully settle and the desired results to be seen. There may be slight swelling and redness after the filler is injected, but these symptoms usually subside on their own within a few days.

It is important to rest for a few days after the procedure and not to rub the face excessively in order for the filler to set completely. After the swelling and bruises on your face disappear, the filler begins to integrate with your skin and the desired results become more evident.

After the procedure, you should take care as recommended by your doctor to speed up the settling process of the filler. For example, you can relieve swelling and support the healing process by using cold compresses and special creams.

The exact fit of the filler and the desired results may vary from person to person. However, usually within a few weeks the effect of the filler becomes more evident and the desired fullness and shape on the face is achieved.

What Happens If the Filling Gets into the Veins?

Rarely, but sometimes, during filler injection, filler may be accidentally injected into the veins. Getting filler into the veins can cause serious complications and require immediate medical attention.

When the filler enters the veins, problems such as blockage of the vein or clot formation may occur. This may prevent adequate oxygen and nutrients from reaching the tissues and cause tissue damage. Additionally, vascular occlusion can lead to serious infections, tissue necrosis (death of tissue), and even permanent scarring.

How many cc of filler can be applied to the cheeks?

How many cc of filler will be applied to the cheeks varies depending on the person’s facial structure, desired appearance and the doctor’s recommendations. Cheek fillers are usually performed to compensate for facial volume loss and achieve the desired fullness and shape. However, since everyone’s needs and preferences are different, the amount of filler varies from person to person.

Generally, the amount of filler used for cheek filler can be between 1 and 3 cc. However, a greater or lesser amount of filler may also be required, so it is important to consult a doctor to determine the exact amount. Your doctor will determine the most appropriate filler amount, taking into account the anatomical structure of your face and your wishes.

The type of filler is also important when determining the amount of filler. Different fillers can have different densities and therefore the same volume of filler can have different effects.

As a result, how many cc fillers are placed on the cheeks varies depending on personal preferences, facial structure and doctor’s recommendations. The most appropriate amount of filler should be determined as a result of a detailed evaluation with a specialist doctor.

How to Melt Cheek Filler?

After the cheek filler procedure, it may be necessary to melt or dissolve the filler if undesirable results occur or the filler needs to be corrected. The answer to the question of how to melt cheek filler depends on the filler used. However, generally hyaluronic acid-based fillers are the most commonly used fillers and the most common methods for dissolving these substances are described below:

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers may use an enzyme called hyaluronidase to dissolve or dissolve the filler. This enzyme breaks down hyaluronic acid and quickly dissolves the filler. Your doctor can dissolve the filler by injecting hyaluronidase when undesirable results occur or when the filler needs to be corrected.

Using hyaluronidase via injection to correct the undesirable results after the cheek filler procedure usually provides a fast and effective solution. However, only an experienced doctor should perform this procedure and if any side effects or complications occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Does Cheek Filling Hurt?

A slight discomfort or slight pain may be felt during the cheek filler procedure, but it is generally tolerable. The filler used during the procedure usually contains a local anesthetic, which helps minimize pain during the procedure.

However, everyone’s pain threshold is different and some people may experience more discomfort during the procedure. Your doctor will take the necessary precautions to provide you with the most comfortable experience possible during the procedure.

After the procedure, there may be slight swelling, redness or tenderness in the areas where cheek filler injection is made. However, these symptoms usually subside on their own within a few days and post-procedure discomfort remains minimal.

Does Cheek Filler Look Natural?

Cheek filler can provide a natural appearance when performed properly and using the right filler. When performed by a specialist doctor, cheek filler results can help you achieve a very natural and balanced appearance.

To achieve a natural appearance, it is important that your doctor chooses an appropriate filler and injection technique, taking into account the anatomical structure of your face. Additionally, the amount of filler can also affect the natural appearance. When too much filler is used or injected unevenly, an exaggerated and artificial appearance can occur on the face.

Before the cheek filler procedure, you should discuss your wishes and expectations in detail with your doctor and determine the most appropriate plan to achieve a natural appearance. Following the recommendations of a specialist doctor and taking proper care after the procedure will also help you achieve natural results.

Does an allergic reaction occur after cheek filler?

Allergic reactions may occur rarely after the cheek filler procedure, but this is generally rare. Allergic reactions usually occur to the filler used and may occur in cases where the person has previously been sensitive to the filler.

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are a safe option that generally does not cause allergic reactions. However, the risk of allergic reactions may be higher in people who are allergic to other fillers or the additives they contain.

Before the cheek filler procedure, you should discuss with your doctor in detail your current allergies and whether you have had any reactions to fillers in the past. Your doctor will evaluate your allergy risk and try to minimize the risk of allergic reactions by choosing the appropriate filler.

Signs of an allergic reaction can include serious symptoms such as skin rash, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, you should contact your doctor immediately.

How much filler should be injected for the cheek area?

The amount of filler for the cheek area varies depending on the person’s facial structure, desired appearance and the doctor’s recommendations. Cheek fillers are generally performed to compensate for facial volume loss and make facial lines more prominent.

The amount of filler for the cheek area can usually be between 1 and 3 cc. However, since everyone’s needs and preferences are different, the amount of filler varies from person to person. Some people may want more filling, while others may prefer less.

Your doctor will take into account the anatomical structure of your face and your wishes to determine the most appropriate amount of filler for the cheek area. It is important to determine the most appropriate filler amount by making a detailed evaluation before the procedure.

Using excessive amounts of filler or injecting unevenly during the cheek filler procedure may lead to undesirable results. Therefore, it is important to have the procedure performed by an experienced doctor and take into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Does Cheek Filling Have a Lift Effect?

Yes, cheek filler can provide a kind of “lift” effect by adding volume to the cheek area and highlighting facial lines. Filling applied to the cheeks can help you achieve a young and vibrant appearance by creating more pronounced contours in the upper part of the face.

Cheek filler can lift and tighten the cheek area, compensating for facial volume loss. This can make facial lines more prominent and give the face an overall younger and fresher appearance.

However, cheek filler is not a fully surgical face lift procedure and does not provide long-term results after surgery. However, when done correctly and using the appropriate filler, cheek filler can provide a significant lifting effect on the face.